During my days in college I had this Physics Lecturer of mine named Mr. Oladosu. He was such a keen young man at his early 30's, a soft-spoken man with mild and calm face. He was such a vibrant Lecturer that'll all cherished alot. This man is a master of his job, he simplified Electronics physics (semiconductor doping, Kirchoff loop rule, etc.) as simple as elementary mathematics 📐. This man and his friend are the only two best Physics Lecturer of the whole department at a very young age.
The so called Lecturer, always commenced his lecture with the word "Set your limit so high, because if you fail to achieve the limit, you’ll achieve something relative to the top, but not bottom". This words usually touches me at the deep part of my heart, and it always gat me thinking what does this man meant all the time, I’m always left in deep though marvelling on the beauty of his touching words. After much thought I decided to get closer to him and know him by visiting his office as often daily, I made it a routine of passing by his office while coming to school to say good morning and going back home to say good night.
To cut the long story short, when our first semester final year examination was approaching we had a C.A. (Continuous Assessment) test week earlier before the exam. I later found out that I misplaced the course handout note the night to the test, I ransacked the whole hostel and the note was nowhere to be found. I pick some random books 📚 and read thinking all will be alright. The C.A. D-Day came by, this young Lecturer dropped us with the biggest shock of our life. He took his time to technically set and refined the C.A., typed and printed it on a finely processed white A4 paper, with the instruction answer all 14 questions.🥵
I completely went numb upon receiving the test question 😂 I wasn't aware when I said "O pa ri" meaning "finished". Finished right? Yes it is 30 marks gone out of 100 marks in core 3-units physics 😂😂. The teacher noticed my actions and still scared us the more by saying "If you use one foscal sheet to answer all this questions, you've failed already". I peeped at him and noded 😒.
The test result day is here, I don’t even bother to check because I knew it’s a failed attempt already 😉. A friend checked for me and broke the news saying "Ola you scored 4 out of 30 marks", I replied yes I thought as much!. I went straight to the Lecturer’s office, upon sighting me he said "Ola, what’s wrong you scored 4 in my test", I replied "Oga, you already saw my action in the hall nah". Then I broke a deal with him by saying "Oga, if I score 65 in your exam will you grade me B". He replied "even if you score 55, I’ll grade you B". I asked "deal right" he noded.
I jumped out of his office, saying in my mind have already passed this course with amazing grade 😂, it's shocking right? Don't mind me 😪. I prepared for the course exam just as if my life depends on it. I studied so hard, learning all his principles and solving all the maths involved.
On the course examination day, I enter into the exam hall with full shoulder pads and topnotch confident sitting at the very fore front to avoid, "abeg what is number ... disturbance" (Nigeria school stuff nah 😜). The exam ended well with I using 20 pages booklet and requesting for extra, I wrote meaningful stuffs ok 😊.
To end the story, the examination result came out. On the day to check, I went straight to his office and asked him my grade, he said you had 68 (meaning grade B 😲). I was so elevated and so proud of myself 😳.
He ended with word, do you remember what I always said in class "Always set your limit so high. You achieved this remarkable fist because you set your limit high by broking a deal with me, and this deal made you so unrest to work harder and break your failed limit. Take this as a Life lesson boy, in anything you do always project a very high limit for it, if you failed to achieve the set limit, you'll achieve something relatively close to that top limit."
Thanks for reading.
Nelson Ogunniran,
Software Engineer | Technical Writer.